Monday, July 12, 2010

Hey guys, just want to let everyone know we are all having a great time here. We visited Lim's village yesterday and it was incredible. All the children were so excited when we gave them candy and made them balloon animals. Everybody here is so happy and it has been awesome experience and we have only just scratched the surface of what we will be doing. Lim's family is great, Dara (Lim's brother) has been traveling with us and he has been a huge help with learning things while a few of us took a walk the other day. It's amazing how important education is to the people here and how hard they work for that education. Miss all you guys back at home!!!
P.S. Bobby is this a good enough post? Haha thank you for wanting to hear from me.
Love, Brady =D

Yesterday we went to a little town and saw all these kids. They were adorable! Right now it's 9:12am and we're driving to orphanages and stuff! I can not wait to get there.

Hi everyone. My experience here so far is amazing. It is very different coming to a third world country for the first time. The first day here was an amazing experience getting to learn about the killing fields and a torturing prison. This was one of many of these prisons. This day really helped me understand what happened at the killing fields. When we toured them we were liter all walking on the bones and old clothes of the people who were killed there. The experience was very eye opening. The next day was our first day of ministry. It was so much fun. We went to church in phnom penh and the worship team played a special song and Chris gave his testimony. Then we went to an orphanage and spent a lot of time with the kids there. So far this trip has been such an amazing experience. I miss everyone at home very much :)

Heyyyy America! Cambodia is treating us well. All of the people here look at us like we are celebrities. When we drive down the road everyone turns their heads to look at us and wave. Dara told me people here rarely see white skinned people. Oh! I finally found my place in the world to fit in...I'm average height here! So I'm at least less freakish than the white blondehairblueeyed tall people. Haha. My talkative and hospitable personality is coming in handy with reaching out to the people here. I'm excited to see how God uses my imperfections for his glory here for these next two weeks. Thank you for all your prayers...we miss you.
Love, Tori

Hey everyone! This place is amazing. Everyone has a smile on. Every time were on the bus and we look out the window someone is waving. The kids are so great. Yesterday i got to tell them how much jesus loves them with the help of Dara translating. Even-though they have almost nothing compared to us they seem a lot happier than some of the people in america. We met a guy that came here from America and fell in love with Cambodia so he's been here ever since working with the church. He has such a big heart. I wish everyone in america could come to a place like this it's such a great learning experience and it makes me appreciate how much I have. I miss you all and I can't wait to show you all the picture i've taken so far.
Love, Catherine

Hi guys! I don't even know where to start. Cambodia is like nothing i've ever seen before. The people here smile and wave every time we pass them and the kids faces light up every time we wave. We went to a Christian church yesterday and it was amazing! The experience of worshiping God together but in two different languages is something i will never forget. Right now we are on our way to our second village to do round two of ministry, ballon animals and face painting. I Can't wait to see all their smiling faces!
Love Christy


  1. Lots of love and prayers to all of you! I love reading about what's going on over there and wish I could be there too!! Keep being used by God to make a difference!

  2. I think if we here at home would have attended the service that you mentioned (Christy) that Sunday morning worship would be a lot different - this is one thing that I took away from those trips - that these people who have very little worship God unashamedly yet we who have so much tend to be so reserved.. It challenges me and I tend to forget this week to week.. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Great messages guys. Hope you realize how much these mean. It lets us see what you are doing and seeing, how this experience is affecting you and sharing this part of the world with us that can't be with you. Love to you all!
    PS Thanks Bobby for the little push on my son =)
    Palma-Love to hear your thoughts too. Hugs!

  4. Hey Christy,
    It's mom, not Ross. Had to post this on my work account. Was so happy to see your comment!! We're so excited for all of you. Soooo many prayers are going out and I know the Lord is going to answer them in some pretty cool ways. Can't wait to hear more stories. Keep em coming. Blessings to you all!!
    We're good here, Christy. Missing you much!! Sara's shower was nice. Aunt Jennifer dropped Liv's bday cake there:0 We just got back from Keystone and Julia comes tomorrow and then you're home!! Hi to Cat:) Love you mucho macho.
